Online coaching & support for loved ones of folks who've experienced trauma

Signed in as:
A coaching and wellness resource dedicated exclusively to supporting the spouses, partners, loved ones and caregivers of trauma survivors with operational stress injuries (OSI), post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and complex or developmental trauma (cPTSD).
I feel you my friend.
I feel your pain, your chaos and your exhaustion.
I see you endlessly searching for ways to heal your partner. Desperately hoping that THIS approach or modality or therapist will be the one to make it all better.
Putting on a brave face for your kids, your loved ones, your community -- when all you really want to do is curl up in a corner and weep. Or sleep for days.
You’re doing everything you can to support your loved one and your kids.
But there’s something you’re forgetting to look after: yourself.
That’s where I come in.
I'm here to help YOU heal.
To hold space and provide support for YOU.
Rising into Resilience gives you strategies, tools and permission to release your pain and guilt so that you can find peace and joy in your life again.
I support partners & loved ones of trauma survivors to develop skills and tools to help you create:
Clear the confusion and understand trauma and how PTSD can affect families & relationships. A trauma-informed perspective will help you love & support your partner or loved one with clarity & compassion.
Learn ways to express yourself clearly and compassionately without triggering your loved one - or allowing yourself to be triggered (respond instead of react).
Caring for someone else is totally depleting. I’ll help you find ways to create more time and cultivate opportunities to care for yourself without leaving your partner behind.
Set the foundation for what you will and won’t accept in your relationship and learn how to compassionately assert yourself, without inflaming the situation.
Use proven tools for healing your own wounds, and for building the emotional resilience to weather the storms of uncertainty and instability.
...of yourself, your partner and your new normal. Learn how to foster self-compassion and self-care and live peacefully again.
From a place of wellness and calm you’ll be better able to support your loved one and your family on the PTSD/cPTSD journey.
Want to learn more about how to get this kind of healing and peace?
Take our free "What's Your Current Support Style" QUIZ!
"What Carla's doing is important.
When your partner suffers trauma, it impacts your marriage and your family.
Because of my husband’s line of work, I see a lot of partners suffering. Marriages falling apart. There’s a lot of collateral damage that people don’t really talk about. But, sweeping it under the rug isn't helpful.
There's a real need for this work and I hope the people who are ready for healing will find their way to her."
Christine, Road to Resilience Participant
I know the pain and challenges of supporting a loved one with PTSD.
I also know how to rise above these challenges to find peace and joy in life again.
When my beloved partner was diagnosed with PTSD, our lives were turned upside down.
Like most partners, I gave up everything in my life to find ways to help him heal — to the point where I sacrificed my own health and well-being.
I totally burnt out!
I began searching for support groups and therapies that could help me.
But, it wasn’t easy, because there are so few resources to support the partners of people with OSI, PTSD and CPTSD.
I eventually discovered tools and therapies that brought me near instant relief to my pain and stress. This, combined with my background in psychology and skills as a transformational trauma-informed coach, gave me a suite of tools I knew could help people like me in this situation.
Read more about me and my journey as the supporter and spouse of a trauma survivor.
Rising into Resilience is a supportive resource and safe space for people who love someone who has experienced trauma.
It’s the resource, coaching and support I wish I had when I needed it most.
Here's how you can move from fear to freedom:
I’ll coach you privately in person or online. Sessions are customized to your specific challenges, fears, & questions.
Smaller and larger coaching packages are available.
Dealing with a loved one’s PTSD symptoms can be super isolating.
This 8-week group coaching program gives you tools, support and community as you learn how to cope and heal.
Join a weekend retreat and be welcomed into a healing space where you’ll be fully looked after.
These retreats help you rest and reset and return home completely restored.
I know — you have a lot on your plate.
I know — it’s scary to ask for help, but I’m here to support you at any stage of your PTSD journey.
If you're ready to start making some changes so you can stop walking on eggshells, book your "Sweet Relief" call now for just $50 USD.
This is your chance to share your situation in a safe, confidential space, connect with someone who completely understands, and see if and how Carla and Rising Into Resilience can help.
"Sweet Relief" is a 90 minute session with Carla — the first 30 minutes is spent sharing what you're struggling with, then we spend 60 minutes with coaching & strategies to support your journey. This is a trial session that gives you an experience of coaching with Carla to see if it's a good fit for you in the season you're in.
Click below to book your Sweet Relief Session now!
"Carla's very open and honest about her own journey. And she’s hopeful.
She’s really committed to helping people get what they need and be the best they can for themselves."
"If I didn’t work with Carla, I would still struggle and still be in chaos.
But now, after working with Carla, if I feel things are going a little crazy, I can step back and reframe and refocus. I can fall back on the process that Carla taught.
She really helps to put your life back in order. Not to let the chaos and stress overwhelm you."
✓ It will help you support your partner from a place of love, rather than fear.
✓ It will help you rise above the grief and pain of your PTSD journey, so that you feel hope and resilience when you think about your relationship, your family and your future.
✓ If you're at a relationship crossroads, it will help you find clarity and calm so that you can make decisions from a place of peace and strength, rather than chaos and emotion.
Download this free guide FULL of all kinds of tools and a path to help you get back to the healthy, happy you.
You’ll learn different ways to find peace and healing so you can better support your loved one and bring hope and joy back into your life.
I’ve been there. It works!
Copyright © 2020 Rising Into Resilience - All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy.
DISCLAIMER: Rising Into Resilience is a coaching and wellness resource dedicated exclusively to supporting people who love a trauma survivor with PTSD/CPTSD. The Information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. Rising Into Resilience is a support service only.
If you are suffering from PTSD or know someone who is, we encourage you to seek medical help in your community.
If you feel that you may need medical advice, please consult a qualified health care professional.
If you are in crisis, please call 911 or contact your local Crisis Support Line immediately.
Supporting PTSD Partners, Spouses & Supporters
If you're feeling stuck in your relationship with someone with PTSD, understanding your patterns is the first step to shifting them — this FREE quiz can help!